Saturday, September 8, 2012

Did somebody say Q & A ??

So I have not been feeling very inspired to write lately... not that I don't have a whole list of topics written down that I want to write about, just not focused enough to write. But now that I've detoxed and I am starting to eat a little more regular food again (woohooooo) I am feeling the fire beneath me again. However, now the problem is what to focus on... design, health, budgeting... this list goes on- I have too many interests (I am thankful I was finally able to choose a major) I told my husband this and he suggested I open the floor to you all and see what questions you may have. I can't promise I have all the answers but I will do my best and research where I am unsure. So here is your chance, while I am still not famous and don't have to charge people to shake my hand. psshht like I'd ever want that!

So go on... give me your best shot! I need some inspiration and I'd love to know better what kind of topics you'd rather read about.

One of my favorite quotes since I was a young teen: (Author unknown)

It is easy enough to be pleasant
When life flows along like a song,
But the man worth while is the one who will smile,
When everything goes dead wrong. 

1 comment:

  1. from Veronica: So... I can't comment on your blog for some reason but I wanted to say I love that quote. Reminds me of what I tell people quite often, " it's easy to be pleasant while things are going well, but the true test of character in a person is how they react when things go wrong" :) I'm always interested in hearing about quick, delicious, pantry ready recipies that are healthy... Love anything that has to do with children... Recipes, games an activities but something that I think is interesting is iscussions on the not so pleasant, temper tantrums, bad days, no sleep, having a support system of women who share in your joy but also the challenges. Love and relationships is a favorite topic of mine... Good And bad. Ok I'm done. Geesh maybe I should start a blog... Lol... Sorry for the long comment! Haha.
