Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Okay Okay Okay... I got it!

Seriously.. why do I ignore advice from other people, why do I consistently second guess my instincts, and pretend I don't hear that little voice in side of me? Well actually I know why... it's cause I am LAZY.

Well not really lazy... seeing as I collapse on the floor in exhaustion every night after giving my son his bath, but if it ads more work to my life I am the first one to try and find a way around it. I like things simple and my husband likes things simple, so the minute things start to get complicated or off our pretty little schedule I start to stress. Why you say.. because it won't be as easy.. yeah that sounds ridiculous now that I write it. LOL

I think to the days before we were parents. The days we worked what seemed all the time and vegged on the sofa the rest of it. We would do nothing and go no where. If by chance we happened to make it out the door with a fun itinerary ahead of us, we'd 99.9% of the time cut it short after dinner and head home because we were TIRED. There is no sense regretting the past but I am learning to take better advantage of the time I have with people, better advantage of my body and mind while they are still in their prime, better advantage of what the world has to offer. It's not easy to let go of who you were, to push your boundaries or to even stay motivated, and there are days I fall so short I can't even recognize where I am, but I'm trying and that's what matters.

So all ramblings aside I am FINALLY starting a blog. I hope through my many interests and passions you can take a little inspiration for your life. Keep checking back here for Design Ideas, creative projects, recipes, nutritional blurbs, words of encouragement or anything else I find interesting.

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